"Hello Rachele, can you help me choose the perfect color for my needs? "
author: Rachele Micucci
"Autumn that year painted the countryside in vivid shades of scarlet, saffron, and russet, and the days were clear and crisp under the harvest skies." - ...
author: Rachele Micucci
Hand painting is a simple leather dyeing process but at the same time it's a very delicate process, during which you have to pay a lot of ...
author: Enrico Giardini
Peeling is one of the most worrisome and even more unpleasant problems that can happen after you finished a leather edge, but actually what is peeling? Why it ...
author: Enrico Giardini
Leather dyeing is a step that all leather crafters will face, sooner or late. There are different techniques for dyeing genuine leather which were born as ...
author: Enrico Giardini
The Leather world is so wide and it has many facets. Today we want to share with you 10 things you many not know about the leather industry.
author: Rachele Micucci
Previously, we have talked about leather dye colors and how to choose them to ...
author: Enrico Giardini
The history of colors, their use and their formulation is always a source of great interest, especially behind the belief that there is nothing new to be discovered in this ...
author: Rachele Micucci
How can you get the desired leather dye color on my leather item? You can always get what you want, but keep in mind that you can not get any color on any type ...
author: Enrico Giardini
What happen to the paints during summer? Temperature is one of the biggest threats to paints in general, and in particular for water-based paints. Especially ...
author: Enrico Giardini
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