Blog - Giardini Group

How Low Temperatures Could Affect Leather Edge Paint: Tips for Correct Stocking.

Written by Enrico Giardini | Dec 6, 2016 11:00:00 PM

Low temperatures are a terrible enemy for leather edge paint, especially for water-based paints. When outdoor temperatures fall below 0 ° C, the water molecules begin the crystallization process, to change the physical status from liquid to solid.

Can a leather edge paint freeze? As water-based product, leather edge paint has a freezing point of 0 ° C, therefore it can freeze when it is stocked for a prolonged period of time below this temperature.

Once the paint is frozen, can be restored to its normal state? Unfortunately, the freezing has as consequence a molecular crystallization that alters the structure of the paint, and the process is not reversible. This should always be kept in mind, especially for all the leather craftsmen who live in locations where temperatures can be very harsh during the winter months.

Can the leather edge paint freeze during the shipping? During the winter months our shipments to the colder countries are made only by express courier from Monday to Thursday, to avoid that our products are never still in the stores over the weekend, with a risk of frost.

What is the best way to store the product in cold countries? Our advice is to avoid that the temperature in the environment where the products are stored never fall below 5 ° C. To control the room temperature we suggest to leave a simple thermometer that can warn us when the temperature drops too quickly. If your storage environment is closed but not heated, another option is to build a small, thermally insulated environment, perhaps using polystyrene (for example the one for building insulation, low cost and very practical to build). 

If you looking for more tips on how to stock water-based products don't miss the next post coming next week: A Funny Story: how Dimitru solve the stocking problem without spending any money.

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