"Should I use the Dense Edge Paint or the Semi-Dense Edge Paint?"
This is one of the most frequently asked questions from our customers, that's why we decided to dedicate an entire post to clarify this issue.
It's a widespread belief among the leather crafter that as more dense is the product (meaning as density a greater viscosity) as better should be the final result. This is true but only in part. This assessment is quite correct when applied to older technologies (acrylic paints); while using nanotechnology, considerations have to be a little more complex.
If we measure the viscosity of our paints will find the results around 3' 00'' for the DENSE Edge Paint and around the 1' 30'' for the SEMI-DENSE Edge Paint (values measured with Ford Cup 4 at a temperature of 20 ° C ), however this viscosity is variable depending on the outside temperature.
From these results it can be deduced, therefore, that actually paints have a different viscosity. But the feature that determines the paint efficacy is his thixotropy.
From a point of view of use therefore we recommend the use of SEMI-DENSE Edge Paint for hand applications, while for applications using automatic machine we recommend to use the DENSE Edge Paint. This consideration is not to be considered limiting, since both paints can be used both by hand and by machine.
A second characteristic to note is that the two products are substantially made of polymers different from each other, representing the technical development of our coatings.
Being both formulations almost totally without solvent, they can sometimes experience difficulty in penetration of greasy leather or water-resistant leather.
The technological evolution from DENSE Edge Paint went to fill the shortcomings of adhesion that may arise in the use of SEMI-DENSE Edge Paint when used on particular types of leather.
In conclusion, our tips for choosing the type of paint to be taken are: