Once we find the desired solution for the TIME topics, we proceed in the second step asking to our leather edge painters: "What is the favorite look for your leather edge?". The most common answers outlined our path in development:
Especially on a large leather edge such as the bag handle, the main quality problem regards the line that you see in the middle of the leather edge. Even if you work hard with you tools on the leather edge, it always appear using the classic edge paint. This is caused by the penetration of the paint between the two leather surface. In particular using solvent edge paint, it happen that the paint fall down in the middle, and you can avoid this effect only with a wide number of application, but on the other hand this large number of application will affect the resistance, increase the possibility of cracking and piling.
The high percentage of dry part in our edge paints (from 40% up to 60%) allow you to get the perfect leather even with only 2 or 3 application even on the largest surface, covering it totally.
At this point of our development we started to work on a second variable of the paint: the pigment. We select a new range of high quality pigment, taking care that they are in maximum concentration and perfectly filtered. These pigment work in combination with the main polymer and avoid any kind of imperfection once they dried.
The aspect is a view effect, so it is influenced by our eyes. We get the desired aspect making a good balance between gloss and matte effect, this characteristic is given to our paints changing the geometry of the molecule. In fact the matte/gloss effect depends on how the light is reflect by the surface. Balancing the geometry of our basing polymer we finally choose what is the nicest aspect.
To give new opportunity of design, we thought to include in our products line five different effects such as:
in this way even the most fashionable designer have the opportunity to express his own creativity.