One of the most frequent questions from our customers is: what's the difference between Dense edge paint and Semi-Dense edge Paint?
Without going into detail, we can say that the Dense version is an evolution of the Semi-Dense. They are both coloured water-based paints with of leather edge dye latest generation.
The first big difference between these products is the viscosity, but this doesn’t just depend on the concentration of the product, indeed the Semi-Dense version can’t be obtained by adding water to the dense version.
There are other key features and they are mainly thixotropy and dry percentage, but when and how to choose which paint to use?
In general, the Dense edge paint is recommended when you want to finish a large width leather edge, especially when working on very thick edges and made up of multiple paired materials. The Semi-dense paint is a high-quality paint too, and is usually used when the final look that you want to achieve does not require a huge consistency, or when working on edges made up of only one material or a medium-narrow thickness.
Both paints can be applied both by hand and by machine. In case of use on automatic machines ask our advisors which of the two is the best for your machine.